Lift out of order? Use our checklist for owner's associations and housing corporations to inform residents

When the lift is temporarily out of order, this generally has two causes: a lift malfunction or planned lift maintenance. In both cases, it is important for the housing coporation or owners' association to ensure that the flats remain accessible and to inform the residents about the situation. 

Lift malfunction? Call 01480 - 475 377

Planned lift maintenance, lift modernisation or lift renovation?

Is your lift soon to be out of service due to planned lift maintenance? As a housing corporation or owners' association you want to inform the residents in time about the maintenance period and the accessibility of the flats. In our blog about the use of a replacement lift during planned maintenance, you can read all about what RECO Lift Solutions can do for you. In the checklist on this page, you can read everything about resident communication when the lift is temporarily taken out of service..

Checklist for resident communication when the lift is out of service: 

  • The reason why the lift is out of service;
  • What exactly is going to happen to the lift;
  • The start and end of the maintenance period;
  • On which days and times the lift company works on the lift;
  • On which days the residents are likely to experience noise nuisance;
  • Which alternative walking and escape routes are available;
  • Which alternative mobility solutions will be used (such as a temporary lift);
  • Who is available as a contact person/body for questions;
  • When the next maintenance period is scheduled (if this has already been determined).

When is the best time to inform the residents?

Make sure you let us know well in advance that the lift will soon be out of use. We often advise to do this at least 2 or 3 months in advance. This prevents residents from making big plans during the maintenance period. For example, moving house or having new furniture delivered.

Through which channels do I communicate that the lift is out of order?

Because not everyone reads every letter or actively monitors your customer portal, it is important that you communicate your message through different channels. Below, we have listed a number of media that many housing corporations and HOAs use. 

A lift assistant to help and inform residents

Would you prefer to inform the residents directly on site that the lift is out of order? Then you can use our lift assistance. Our lift assistance will help you and your residents with all kinds of odd jobs: 

  • Always a contact person on site
  • Resident communication at the door
  • Assistance with stairlifts and stair climbers
  • Helps with lifting groceries
  • Pick up the mail and walk the dog
  • Always available by phone for you and your residents
  • Supervises on site
  • More about our lift assistance 

Distributing stickers and/or flyers

The easiest and most direct way is to inform the residents via a sticker in the fixed lift. Every resident who uses the lift will then know immediately when the lift will be out of order. Make sure the information is concise and clear so that the resident has read it before he or she leaves the lift. Flyers and leaflets can be placed at the entrance or hung up on a memo board. When the lift is not in use, you can also place the sticker or memo board by the lift to inform residents.

Inform the occupants by post or e-mail

The most direct way is to inform the occupants by mail. This way you can give a bit more information than on a sticker and you can be sure that everyone will at least get the message. Make sure your message is not too long and is clear, because it will probably come unexpectedly. There is a good chance that the resident was occupied with something else and did not want to take the time to read a long story.

Posting a message on your website

By placing a message on your website, you ensure that everyone can find the information easily. This is not only useful for residents who want to read it again, but also for residents who missed your earlier communication.

Post a message in your customer/resident portal

Do you have an online customer or resident portal? If so, make use of it by sharing the message here as well. You can also keep residents informed of the work in the interim and involve them in any new developments. Are there any complaints? If so, you can answer them directly here.

Involving the residents' committee

Do you have a residents' committee? If so, involve it directly in the maintenance work. These tenants find it very important that everyone can live comfortably in your building and they often have a lot of contact with other tenants. By ensuring that the residents' committee is well informed, the most important information will quickly reach other residents.